Before Christmas, 2006

What a busy Christmas season! Between the Christmas Craft Boutique, the church's Christmas program and Kevin running sound at the school, it seems like we hardly saw each other until Christmas day! Here are just a few of the highlights as we rushed toward Christmas day.

The season started off with our church program; Kevin
helped plan it and put together the multi-media

The next big event that kicked-off our Christmas was
visiting with the Quans and the Dentons (from Tennessee)


We were surprised at how much G.G. had grown

Rick & Niki were also supervised how much G.G. had grown

Katie wasn't interested in sitting on Santa's lap, but she
was really into the candy canes he was handing out; just
check out the picture on the right!


Katie really wanted David to eat the candy cane too

Katie and G.G. were enjoying G.G.'s toy dog


The three kids enjoyed playing together on Katie's bike

Isn't G.G. so cute!?!

Hanging out with friends on Christmas Eve after church

Our family picture in front of the tree

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